Documentary photographer, Best documentary photographer, Documentary Photographer in UK, Humanitarian photographer, Freelance photographer, Hire freelance photographer, Freelance photographer for hire

"Documentary photographer", "Best documentary photographer", "Documentary Photographer in UK", "Humanitarian photographer", "Freelance photographer", "Hire freelance photographer", "Freelance photographer for hire", [Documentary photographer], [Best documentary photographer], [Humanitarian photographer], [Freelance photographer], [Hire freelance photographer], [Freelance photographer for hire]


Renewable Energy for Refugees

Renewable Energy for Refugees

Working in partnership with UNHCR and supported by the IKEA Foundation, the Renewable Energy for Refugees project helps refugees and their host communities access finance, training, technology and e...

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Rwanda - Kigeme Refugee Camp

Rwanda - Kigeme Refugee Camp

Located in Nyamagabe District in the Southern Province of Rwanda, Kigeme refugee camp, home to nearly 20,500 refugees, was opened in mid-2012 after a sudden influx of over 35,000 refugees from the DRC...

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Kenya - Sibinga and Utumoni villages

Kenya - Sibinga and Utumoni villages

Utumoni in Makueni County is a dispersed farming community of 110 households. Along with traditional crops, avocados and mangoes are cultivated as cash crops and a fifth of families keep livestock. La...

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